Posts Tagged ‘marketing of the self’

What’s in a label? whether sex, medical, gender, disability, an opening thought..

In On Art/writing/creativity, Philosophy..sociological commentary on May 22, 2009 at 6:23 pm

The Who sang  “Who are you? Who, who? Who the Fuck are You?”

I ‘ve been thinking about the politics of identity lately, and when I say identity I am referring to all the qualifiers that we adher to. Our political persuasions, our sexual affinities, our brand preferences and status symbols, our socio medical labels, and the roles we identify with…parent, son, wife of, ect..

What’s in a label? Foremost there is freedom and there is constraint. Labels are a signifier to ourselves and to others…a signifier that points to a set of expectations based on our assumptions and experience with the word itself.

We may labor under the constraints of a label, or we may take flight within the kernels of realities attached.

However as I type this I’m staring at an orange resting on its side that I just bladed in half. And it came to me..as the ramble jam that is often the way I muse is want to do..

that a label is like an unpeeled orange, you pick it up, you can see its external properties, you have an expectation of what it will taste like..

bladed in half though the interior reveals so much more orangatastik detail.

Fat pulpy segments, a wagon wheel, light and dark shadings, the seeded center, the promise of punch…

I tend to be label sensitive. I agree that they are necessary, and expedite time and expectations.

Tonight , tho, I am reflecting on the downside of labels, and our drive to nail down our human experience like a coffin, labels often serve the establishment, unless reappropriated by a subculture as its own,

and the most powerful drive in labeling is to establish norms..

and norms as we all know or we should are culturally and historically specific and serve the power of the status quo.

I’m not advocating anarchy or a silence epidemic..haha, but perhaps that is why I find some of my most truthful sentiments are expressed thru art and the poetic..the inside view of the orange..

“Who are you, who the fuck are You, you you..”

Take away your labels this evening. Just for a night. Without them are you naked? And is that freeing or frightening?

More to come on this topic..I’ve just begun. Someone shut me up, please..laughing…I am not speaking to D/s here..I am speaking to the power of language across all spheres of internal and social experience, how we come to “know’ ourselves..and represent that to the world around us..

my next post on this will be speaking to the facsism and freedom inherent in language..with a focus on disability semantics..


To see the Words dance, the body speak..

In My journal, On Art/writing/creativity on May 15, 2009 at 10:10 am

Listening to William Orbit and Beth Orton’s Dice this morning, an oceanic remix, trance, it’s beautiful how it waves like the swell of a roller at sea.

I’m feeling some poignancy,  an ache,  excitement about the day …but struggling to focus crisply and with clarity on the manuscript on masochism as a way of life, a life aesthetic, that is completed, but that I am organizing and pulling together..

I am so excited about this manuscript, it was an odd project, it did not begin with intent, I realized it had cohesion as a work after a year’s worth of musings were pulled together and in the hand.

I write on napkins, yellow lined paper pads, lipstick on the mirror,  hell  on my body if this is the only place to jot a fragment of poetry, a phrase.

Metaphor is everywhere for the tongue, the eyes, the heart.

I have longed to do some performance art for a few years now, my writing in prose poetiks is for my mouth and for your ear, it is begging to release itself thru my body as text and multimedia.

Story telling, the art of, is shamanistic..and my body must speak..static photos do not feed my urge to bring motion to sound.

A leap, but one I am ready for, and I  am eager to connect with other performance artists for idea exchange, mentoring..

Art leaks, bleeds,  it is my native vernacular…

Talk to me. contact me at poecatt@luciferlazerus.com

Me or We..Have we become a culture of Uber narcissm?

In 1, Philosophy..sociological commentary on May 14, 2009 at 9:34 pm

I’m musing this eve on narcissism and its colonization of western cultural values. I’m thinking about the whole on line proliferation of easy access to self promotion and its fracturing of the self.

Identity has become fluid, coursing thru the bits and bytes, spawning multi representations of moments along our own personal timelines, thru photoblogging, self confession, self expression…

… given unbelievable latitude and longitude..
( ha! think cock pics)

In the lifetime of the average blogger here, the majority between 30 and early 50’s..technology has created a world wherein we have become our own front page headline, our own press and paparazzi, capable of extending our virtual viral vibes into the eyes and minds of a multitude, our reach, global.

The scale boggles the mind, if we stop to think about it.
But given the intimate settings from which many of us write, our own dens, living rooms, bedrooms, ect, do many of us really STOP to think about it?

I think perhaps we have become more cynical and jaded as a result, more isolated in our social contact, if we define social time as time spent offline, face to face, flesh to flesh.
Many people spend their working hours in office cubicles or oout tof the home, and then their spare time surfing..

We have developed new skill sets to deal with cyber intimacy, whether it be friendships with those of like affinities, or
lovers….we have sharpened our abilities to write of self as object,as our lives as quasi fiction..magical realism genre..as ourselves as brands.

Are we narcissists as per the old definition? Consumed by self?
Or is that definition somehow wanting, is there some new take, that perhaps sees liberation and the good in the democratizing of free speech, the democratizing of business, the extension of potential and reach beyond narrowly defined geographical and financial boundaries?

I’m not knocking the web, I am all over it, but at what point is it all over me?

I have always spoke to collective social values.
We built a nation on it here in Canada..we tend to the collaborative rather than the competitive, this however is rapidly altering.

I myself, remain collaborative in approach, reclusive though I may be at times, and solicitious of my own privacy in ways that may not be readily visible.

I spoke to Lucifer of my thoughts on this, and he had some interesting points to make which continue to flesh out this bird’s eye view of the topic..

The net is perhaps not unlike the splitting of the atom, can be used for unimaginable good and evil..neutral in itself if you take a post modern approach. Have we become as mini gods, fallen headlong into our own ever elusive images to the detriment of our worlds, or have they exploded expotentially?



This is not a new pattern that is emerging or has emerged, we're, an 
intelligent race, have been broadcasting our selves long before Ben
Franklin printed a news paper.  However started with Ben Franklin as an
official form of public media, not everyone had access to a press, nor
Franklin, to advertise their services, wares or offers, but as ingenuity
in humankind progressed the print form of media began to grow, and
provide access to those people who had something to sell, share or talk
about...including themselves.

The marketing of self is as old as history can record, there has always
been a hawker, yelling to sharpen your blade, or shoe your horse.  Sign
makers were told what the sign should say about Mary the seamstress and
this has not changed no matter how we evolve, what has changed is that
technology allows more access for the same behaviors...and reaches more

 From the print media to the radio, from the radio to the television.
Television expanding as megahertz grew and communications grew, along
with the cheapening of costs to make these marvels of modern technology,
so it comes to pass that the oldest of gratuitous marketing behaviors
became more and more creative, more and more revealing and more and more

The net is only the next step in this typical human pattern of sell,
sell, sell...and it isn't only capitalism, it is selling one's life for
the shear joy of being able to obtain attention, it is the selling of
ideas and beliefs but it is no different when Franklin started printing
the first Philadelphia Newspaper some 200 years ago, and the reality to
that is, we as a species have always found a way long before Franklin to
market what ever it is we had to say.

Is it all a genetically predisposed narcissisim?  Not by definition, but
who doesn't enjoy some type of positive attention?  We will evolve
further in technology, to a point where maybe we will no longer need to
leave our homes to attain physical gratification, just slip on the cyber
suit and get laid from translation of data.  Maybe we will have the
replication devices that make food from atoms, like in Star Trek, there
is no telling what the future will bring, but to believe that the
internet has proliferated this behavior is a mistake...we have been
doing it since man scrawled on a cave wall...

Musings from Lucifer and the cat


In D/s, Bdsm, photo gallery on April 17, 2009 at 4:25 pm


Have I seen your Face before?

In D/s, Bdsm, On Art/writing/creativity on April 3, 2009 at 10:07 am

What is it that is so compelling about the human face?

Why the universal urge to see the eyes, the lips, the contours of a smile, a cheekbone?

When it comes to the erotic, we are fascinated, yes, by the human body, however, I maintain that it is the face that we fall in love with.

Strive as people are wont to do for perfection in form, if you fall in love with a face and its intimacies , the body will follow, imparfait ..

When corresponding with someone online, when struck with a partial likeness, whether a male bicep, or a nude female torso, or the lines of a stance, what we ultimately want to drink in , is the face..

There are universes in eye contact, the sudden rupture of a laugh, the sweet curve of the corner of the mouth.

I have always been struck first and foremost by the male or female face..

It is in the face that I feel a deja vu or a journey about to be taken..

And you?

morning musings, cat

Sex, Lies and Videotapes

In D/s, Bdsm on March 21, 2009 at 4:01 pm

Almost opened someone else’s mail this morning as I was returning from my early morning jaunt. As I realized my error,the first thought, idiotically but apt, was opening the mail of another is a federal offence, the second thought was of times I have been violated by another viewing what was mine without permission.

Permission to violate is supposedly a sacred tenent in this culture. Much of the dance of D/s and S/m is violative..it is the pushing of limits and the violation of norms that is heady stuff for so many of us.

Dominants often violate the comfort zones of thier submissives , and..perhaps you have never given this much thought, but in a growing and alive D/s relationship..submissives violate back.

There are moments between two people when it is not unlike the other has slid an envelope opener along the thin edge of your soul..and you stand there, contents exposed….

Omg..that’s my guts on the sidewalk..

Sorry. (Aftercare)..LOL

These moments expand outside of the fabric of D/s of course..but I wonder if they are not somehow intensified in the D/s dynamic?
This links to my previous post on Who the fuck are you?…if you do not have your own core knowledge of who you are..are you fit to even be dabbling in this game?

For one thing is certain, if you are awake, if you are alive..what is inside the envelope..and what comes up for exposure..will sometimes surprize you and the other.

I would think that if your sense of self is weak to begin with…you stand to come out in worse shape then when you went in.

Of course the experience of the self is an ever altering one…hm..I am beginning to see a theme in several of my recent posts..(laughing here) I must be processing something…

Yeah.Blade play and the Fine edges of Two souls.

Throwing out the definitions..God , how I loathe them..

What happens when both parties want to weild the razor? Is that your best shot? Smirking, I do so love a good mess on the sidewalk, Sadists in Lust.(think Lawyers in Love)


Self portraits and digi explorations..

In D/s, Bdsm, My journal on March 21, 2009 at 3:41 pm

J.  posted on the pure …hmm… aesthetic delights of
checking out the self portraits of others here. Damn Joy, you lit a fire under my little ass.

I’ve been self portraiting for 3 years now and the journey has been an empowering one. In my twenties I was often requested to pose for photographers and artists, did some nude modelling as a barter for learning technique from a well known sculptor…plunged into ..becoming comfortable with nudity as expression.

I never knew what others saw.They owned it…

This is a seminal distinction between being 25 and being 45.
A couple of years back, having turned the corner on 40, having experienced some severe traumatic loss…I decided to begin the art of self portraiture as as a means of taking back something of what was mine.

My first attempts were clumsy and humorous. Made a homemade tripod that resembled the leaning tower of picassa , attempted to take shots whenever and wherever I could find a modicum of privacy..think…a voice going ..what are you doing in the bathroom for so long?…

But I got better at it.Behind the lens and in front of it simultaneously I became comfortable with what I saw..cast off any aspersions to be a barbie doll cookie cutter version of what often passes for an acceptable nude…and dove into the reclamation of my cunt.

Yeah. This skin is mine..

it borders and defines my moods and moments

it begins and ends


By special invite only.

O solo mio

till this gypsy

finds home.

Coming out in D/s..some thoughts and a call for commentary

In D/s, Bdsm, Philosophy..sociological commentary on March 16, 2009 at 11:28 am

I am a freelance writer.

I write in the D/s genre, I write on eroticism and sexuality. I also am a poet and a fiction writer.

My topics span the whole of my life in my various blogs on fetlife, deviant art, alt, and here. I am not limited by topic, my background academically is diverse including graduate work  in sociology and theology.

In short, I am fascinated by social behavoir, culture, and the way we think of ourselves and pathologize  alternative experience, whether it be the experience of the artist, the poet, those with so called disorders or, those who embrace alternative choices within that broad rubric known as our sexuality.

Coming out in D/s and Bdsm is a political act. It is saying I defy the so called cultural norms.

There are ramifications, professionally and the danger of being pigeon holed and held to a certain stereotype.

If you have come out publically about your experience within the alternative lifestyle, what has been your experience? How has your act of selfhood been received?

Have you experienced a negative fallout professionally?

Do you feel you have been taken less seriously as a writer, artist, professional of whatever stripe as a result?

What about its  impact on your social life?

Coming out in D/s and Bdsm..looking for commentary and discourse..what has been your experience?


25 random bits and bites about me. Musing

In D/s, Bdsm, My journal on March 16, 2009 at 11:00 am

1.My favorite color is orange.Not to wear, but to experience.When I wear orange I look like a bad acid trip..orange on orange.Overkill.

2.I’m a big believer in supporting micro local enterprises..like the two local breweries here..gawd,I need to think about what I just wrote..

3.My favorite flowers are poppies, they bloom so briefly, but like the sunflower there is something achingly awkward in their big blousy heads and unabandoned splashiness..

4. My favorite mode of travel is the ferry. When I lived west coast canada, island hopping thrilled me with its ease and the water is magical, no matter the moods of the weather..

5. I don’t watch tv ever.Never did.I find it an assaultive medium.This does put me at a certain cultural disadvantage but o well..

6. I prefer those big thick bowl like coffee mugs.I don’t do the dainty ones.Red bull is good in these big mugs..

7. I am an uber-caffeine addict. see#6.

8.My first husband was 17 years my senior. And no, it wasn’t a daddy fantasy..at 63 he remains a permanent peter pan.

9.The author who influenced my writing the most was Michael Ondaatje.I cried over the beauty of the prose in “The Skin of the Lion.” I aspire to his quality of prose poetics.

10.The genre I like the least is self help. I refuse to make these people with their pop -isms and simplistic soapboxing one penny richer.

11.I have successfully murdered every houseplant I have ever owned.I feel badly about this..

12.My children however are, miraculously, flourishing..

13.One of my many cats committed what I consider suicide by throwing herself under the wheels of an almost stalled dumptruck..I took it personally.

14.I am invariably hauled over by security when I fly. I think I mentioned this somewhere..if you have a theory as to why, I really would love to know..

15. I have never cheated in a relationship since my very first serious one with a fellow college student at 19.However when I am solo, I can be rediculously impulsive.

16. I spent one summer reading the Desert Fathers of the 4th century. I ate, dreamt and breathed the stuff..if you know of these uber mystical masochists, it explains alot..

17.I break or lose my reading glasses every month.I feel absolutely vulnerable without them. The pharmacy where I regularly purchase them smirk when they see me coming.ca ching. sigh.

18.I don’t have a sweet tooth. I prefer tart, sour, hot.

19. I love, love love, dancing.All my exes tell me I try aggressively to lead when waltzing.I am working on this.

20.I really hope they find a way to prevent Altzeimers.
It really breaks my heart.

21. I hope when the time is right to own my own bassethound one day.

22. I believe laughter is the deepest bond between any two people whether friends, lovers, or strangers.

23.I am grammatically challenged..yeah, I know you know..

24.My favorite cuisine is thai.

25. No there were no sex bits in here, I am not in the mood..sometimes, I’m not..

your turn..go for it..cat.

On self portraiture and the erotic journey

In D/s, Bdsm, Philosophy..sociological commentary on March 14, 2009 at 5:03 pm

J  posted on the pure …hmm… aesthetic delights of
checking out the self portraits of others here. Damn Joy, you lit a fire under my little ass.

I’ve been self portraiting for 3 years now and the journey has been an empowering one. In my twenties I was often requested to pose for photographers and artists, did some nude modelling as a barter for learning technique from a well known sculptor…plunged into ..becoming comfortable with nudity as expression.

I never knew what others saw.They owned it…

This is a seminal distinction between being 25 and being 45.
A couple of years back, having turned the corner on 40, having experienced some severe traumatic loss…I decided to begin the art of self portraiture as as a means of taking back something of what was mine.

My first attempts were clumsy and humorous. Made a homemade tripod that resembled the leaning tower of picassa  attempted to take shots whenever and wherever I could find a modicum of privacy..think…a voice going ..what are you doing in the bathroom for so long?…

But I got better at it.Behind the lens and in front of it simultaneously I became comfortable with what I saw..cast off any aspersions to be a barbie doll cookie cutter version of what often passes for an acceptable nude…and dove into the reclamation of my cunt.

Yeah. This skin is mine..

it borders and defines my moods and moments

it begins and ends


By special invite only.

O solo mio

till this gypsy

finds home.  Cat