Posts Tagged ‘spring’

Sunflowers, shades and light.

In My journal on April 27, 2009 at 7:45 am

I had so much fun with this photo.  All the colors , the texture,  the fact that I was at the comp writing and stopped to snap it.

Photos are just a moment in time and light..but it spoke to me of play and joy and happiness of just creating.

Re reading Eckhart Tolle’s powerful little book  ” The Power of Now ” lately.

Frustrated that tho I get it, it seems elusive at times.

I want the world to break in..or I want to break out.

So many possibilities in the moment, the matrix.

I am most at peace when in the NOW.

I crave color, I crave sensation, I crave throwing off the dark cloak of winter , the blacks and the grays that have choked me.

2 years ago, I was on Salt Spring Island, taking in the sights and the wonderful impressions. I was working in a little cafe.

The situation was not perfect..what is perfection, but the change was feeding the artist in my soul.

I crave change . I’ve been cloistered and cloaked, of my own doing..crawled up my own behind.

Like the sunflower, I want to turn my face to the sun, but somedays..I am just not so sure where that is..

Life will not be stopped, it’s impetus is forward..sunseeking,

shades and knapsacking,


Babiblue Skies and Silver White Dime of a Sun.Yes!

In My journal, prose on March 11, 2009 at 5:01 pm

What a scrumpdilicious day here in the heart of downtown!

I bounced out into noon, in my brooks brown worn runners, my son’s stretch ribbed navy t..my soft as flannel denims, sloping off my hips, and my ubiquituous blackshades, copper hair in a top knot,falling, falling, curling..

Skies baby blue, sun white as a silver dime, and laughter like some frolicking god resounding off the curbways, clapboarded chaos of history,  unsung joy from the rooftops, echoing back and forth across the harbor between the hills.

I am a postcard, winged feet, heart on a string, streetcat for my loves…

my boys

my words

my flowers

my Lucifer

some days, some days, it just doesn’t get any better.

